Saturday, August 04, 2007

Lynne's Mum Arrives Today

Today Lynne's mother arrives from London to help out with the new baby....there is still no new baby though! I'm sure it will not be much longer before things happen.

The official due date is tomorrow, Sunday Aug 5th. The baby may well hit that date yet but if not we are in familiar territory, that of overdue. To jog your memory, Anja was well overdue, over two weeks and only arrived after Lynne was induced.

Anyhow, this is a short update. There is not much else happening in our world other than waiting. It will be nice to see Pat again this evening, it should focus our minds elsewhere for a few hours. She arrives at O'Hare about any time now and will take the Purdue Express Coach to West Lafayette. Should be in in a couple of hours.

More updates later.....

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