Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gran Leaving Tomorrow

Sometimes you wonder where time simply goes. Pat has been here for three weeks and tomorrow she returns home to England. Granddad, or Dave as he is more commonly known, has been missing her company and will be glad to have her home again. We of course will be sad to see her leave again.

She has been great company for the last three weeks and a huge help around the house. The kids will obviously miss their bath time and reading routines as will Daisy her morning walking routine.

As always, thanks for visiting and all your help Pat, we only look forward to your next visit, perhaps in the autumn?  

Shown below are a few select pictures, my favorite is obviously the dress-up picture. It was one I took yesterday after the girls had used her for dress-up. They thought it hilarious to dress their Gran in their dress-up clothes.

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