Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Life Returning

Life has settled down a little post MBA, although starting over the weekend I started “My Little Pony School”. It was a promise I made the girls last year, to take time to study their interests with them. The picture below shows my new desk in the basement.

The weather has also turned so we are all spending a little more time outside. The kids and I went on a long walk on Sunday before returning to watch Frozen. We are all ready to “get into the garden”.

This week I also managed to get outside running in the morning again, had a very slow 7 miler this morning but it felt terrific to feel the cool Spring morning air on my face. I finished my first post MBA Book (Hatching Twitter), had a long overdue chat with Clive and Tracey and also got the camera out again. As you can see, I'm starting to feel like life is slowing coming back.

p.s.....still feeling a little nostalgic tonight. It's Tuesday night, the night which for the last 21 months was carved out for jumping on a teleconference to discuss and debate an array of topics for class assignments...good memories at this point.

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