Saturday, March 27, 2010

Finally an Update....

I think I declared Spring to have arrived a little prematurely! I was all excited at the start of the month but March has been a long and intermittently warm and cold month. The highlight was St Patrick’s Day of course. My Mum sent over quite a variety of clothes and assorted items for the day and the girls loved every minute of it (Thanks very much Mum).  Brooke even made the girls green milk for the occasion.

We have been biking a few times; the girls have been out in the garden quite frequently; the sand from the sandbox has already reached its summer steady state – all over the place and continuously being deposited around the house to the delight of both parents; Connor is growing obviously and starting to be very cute (16 weeks now) and Brooke is starting to get very comfortable managing all three kids in the afternoon (she looks very happy doing so anyhow and is coping extremely well). We are very lucky to have her.

As normal, I have posted a variety of recent photos below. The three directly below are from this morning.

I posted this photo below to document our next thumb sucker, he loves it already. It also highlights how tired Lynne has been recently as a result of Connor being quite happy nursing every two hours.
Finally, there is not much to this photo below, but there is a story that we'd like to document for the record. Our girls have quite large eyes and eyelashes and Brooke once commented on this to Isabel who was sharp enough to respond by widening her gaze to try impressing her. She now does this quite often and for a diverse set of circumstances if she thinks a little eye flirtation would help her cause. Recall that she is not yet three.
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