Friday, October 14, 2011

Trip Through Europe

I’ve been wandering my way through Europe this week for work. I spent two days in Hannover, Germany at a conference in which I gave a presentation. I then flew to Belgium and visited Brussels and Liege before flying to Ireland. I’m now in Dublin staying with Davey and Sam. I arrived late last night to a great welcome; Sam had made this wonderful Beef and Guinness pie in my honor. We had a few drinks last night, had some great Guinness at Davey’s local pub. Davey and myself even managed to get out for a 10km run this morning in Dublin’s famous Phoenix Park.

Davey and Sam are doing great, obviously with the expected arrival of their twins, they think sometime over the next four weeks, they are very excited for their future. Sam is looking extremely well and in great spirits.

Wishing everybody a great weekend, I’ll be travelling to Roscommon tomorrow to see Dad, Eilish and Eddie (Mum is on holiday) and then off to see Clive and Tracey on Sunday.

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