Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brief Update....

Just to assure you that we’re still here, a short update. It’s funny but with the cold weather we normally experience in Jan-Feb,  it usually means we're indoors a lot and consequently there is not much to blog about. That notwithstanding, this week was pretty normal at our house, relative to last week that is anyhow. Isabel and Anja are both feeling great again and back at school.  Lynne unfortunately was sick this week though. She nursed some very serious sinus pain all week before succumbing to a doctors visit yesterday to learn she has an infection. More antibiotics, where would we be without them.

This is a Chicago week for me and I safely made the journey this afternoon through some heavy snowfall. Hoping that it’s clear when I return on Saturday. It’s an exam weekend for me, (anybody wish to take a corporate finance exam for me on Saturday?) so I’ve been catching up on some study at a pretty cool study room Kay’s building (shown below rather poor photo taken with BB).

I trust all is well out there with you, wherever you are….take it easy. I’ll post again on Sunday.

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