Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Isabel Recovering Well

Thanks to all who wished Isabel well today, I’m glad to report that her surgery went very well. One never knows when having a general anesthetic for the first time how it may affect you. We were a little nervous about that and are happy that’s its over.

She was a real little trooper. Very calm and very brave, not even a whimper from her as she was taken into surgery. I was a very proud parent today, seeing how she took it all in her stride. She has recovered remarkably today, literally bounced back after 4-5 hours of sleep with little or no pain.

Ironically enough, but not altogether that surprising really, it was Anja who need the attention tonight as we bathed and tucked them in. Isabel received a very cute Barbie present for her bravery today and garnered much attention throughout the day as you can imagine. It was all a little too much for Anja who was a little jealous….


mensajes claro said...

I hope she recover as soon as posible.

Paul said...

Hi, Not fully sure who you are but Thank You for your sentiments. - Paul