Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Apple Tree

My Mum and myself had an early start in the garden this morning. Earlier in the week we resolved to remove two fruitless gooseberries bushes and an aging pine tree, to be fair, we gave those bushes over 5 years to bear fruit without much success. Lynne and I had planned to plant an apple tree in this spot for some time, indeed we have been promising to do so for well over a year but Mum bought a couple of grape vines this week and that was the catalyst I needed.

It was forecasted for 85F today so we needed an early start. We had the tree cut down, the stump dug out, the trellis bought and installed (with Randy’s help), the tree, a Honeycrisp Apple, and vines in and the mulch all down by noon. We were pretty tired but I think it looks great. I did not need an additional workout today.

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